Thursday, July 9, 2009

Take It To Heart

People often say "Don't take it personally" or "It's not personal, it's just business" - I strongly disagree with the principal. Whether we like to admit it or not, criticism or harsh actions are personal. If they weren't personal - whoever has delivered the undesired message or feedback wouldn't have told YOU personally. So my thought: Take it to heart.

I wear my heart on my sleeve, let people know how I feel, and as a result (even on the worst days) I sleep well at night knowing that I was true to myself. I take things so personally and get so upset at different occasions of rejection and criticism that I make sure (If I agree with the criticism) that I never make the same mistake again. If I didn't take it personally - I probably wouldn't do anything about it and repeat the same action again.

Do you take it to heart?

Many of us have become accustomed to a desensitized way of living and working: this is bad. If we program ourselves to make decisions without any emotion then who are we making the decisions for. I believe that a delicate balance between emotion and control is necessary. There are time in which we must bite our tongue, but we always have to let it out sometime (or else it will build up and end up coming out wrong in some escalated situation).

Next time you face criticism or undesirable feedback: take it to heart and see how it feels. Then, make your next decision based on a combination of emotion and control. It works for me, and I've avoided becoming a corporate zombie while maintaining my professionalism and integrity.

Stay true to yourself and keep on dreaming big!

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